User Agreement
Welcome to and thanks for joining us! Our members have been enjoying this community since 2003, and we hope you do too!
While we have members from all over the world, we are an English speaking community.
We aim to be a welcoming, friendly, fun-filled community of dragons, dragon-lovers, and their friends! We accept all types of people, regardless of their identity or affiliation with dragons (if any). However, we do not welcome spambots, data-miners, or automated account registrations. We also do not welcome people who intend to do our community harm.
This is NOT a roleplay community. Roleplay is not permitted on the forums, nor our discord. The exception to this rule are simple emotes/actions, which are permitted in moderation. An example is if you're crafting a scene that is ongoing, that's roleplay and not allowed on this community. But if you're just doing a one-off action (eg: Selroth eats a cupcake) that's fine!
To bring even more fun into the community we host a variety of events! Everything from the "Monthly Creativity" prompt, semi-regular "Derglympics", and discord "game nights", to the monthly "voucher", and seasonal "puzzle" events!-Rules and Guidelines-
No bullying or harassment
No matter how much you disagree with someone, no bullying, threats, or harassment will be allowed. Similarly, no hate speech is allowed in our community.
No abusing the technology
Abuse of the technology includes, but is not limited to: trolling, spamming, flooding, phishing, data mining, malicious intent, or hacking attempts.
No illegal content
Don't do anything illegal. This includes, but is not limited to: advocating or discussing drug use (it may be "legal in your state" but it's not federally legal), gore, animal abuse, certain types of pornography, all types of pornography where minors have access, counterfeit or counterfeiting material, and copyright material.
-NSFW content-
- We are a family friendly community where minors (16+) are present. Keep this in mind and act appropriately when discussing topics, posting content, or beginning a private conversation.
- You can cuss anywhere.
- NSFW content belongs in "The Lair" (The Lair is an 18+ hidden section which requires staff granting access based on several requirements).
-Member Accounts-
- We only allow one account per person (including multiples/systems). Duplicate accounts will be removed. If you do need to show that someone else is talking, our members find it best to start their post with the name of who is talking at that time (all via the one account). We do allow forum profile name changes, but will take into consideration when the last change happened so other members aren't overly confused by someone changing their profile name constantly. You can change your name on discord without staff help, but again keep in mind how confused others might be if you change it too often.
-Personal Responsibility-
Keep your personal information private (including your login details to prevent account theft).
We consider all participation in this community to be voluntary. You are responsible for which areas you choose to access, and the content you post. We welcome and encourage lively discussions and debates, and as such you may find some content/users offensive. If this happens, we encourage you to stop reading/participating in such channels/topics, and/or stop interacting with the person who posted the content, and report it to the staff - especially if you feel it has crossed into illegal behavior. If you choose to continue participating in such channels/topics, or conversing with the person involved, we will take that into consideration. The staff are not here to prevent hurt feelings, nor censor anyone. We are here to look after the health of the community, which includes freedom of speech. But if someone is being detrimental to the community, the reports you provide will help us to act swiftly.
-Call the Staff-
- If you are ever unsure if a situation is breaking a rule, or makes you uncomfortable, please contact the Staff (on discord via @Staff ping or PM any staff member, or on the forums via PM to any staff member)! Don't hesitate to call on us, we'd rather jump in early than miss something that spirals without action.
- We handle situations on a case-by-case basis. If someone breaks the rules or proves themselves to be detrimental to community health, we utilize a variety of tools such as warnings, temporary kicks, temporary/timed bans, and permanent bans.
- If it's fixable we like to give people chances to correct their behavior - we all have bad days, and all go through learning curves, so we like to give members a chance to grow and learn from any mistakes or issues.